
Sar e Sarab school gets a water supply with spring water

When we inaugurated Sar e Sarab school in October last year, a big issue was to provide the 320 girls attending the school with drinkable water. Fortunately, a spring was identified a couple of Kilometres nearby and in the end a water connection with the school proved to be a feasible project.

Eng Gholam Hussein sits in front of the spring of fresh water early this summer. The red line is the distance that will be covered from the spring to Sar e Sarab school

The long track for the water-pipe has been digged

We gathered the funding and with the help of Shuhada, the NGO that is assisting us in the area, the works have started at the end of the summer. The project had the support of the village elders and is being implemented by local workforce.The quality of the pictures below, taken a

month ago, is a bit poor as they were taken with a low definition camera but nonetheless
we thought that they were worth to be shown as the school is in a very remote region and it will take some time before we will get some final images.

The long water hose (2 km) is ready to be laid down

By the way, the project will be finished by early November and we are hopeful that soon we will be able to show you better images of the works completed

We know that some preliminary tests have been already made and that the water has reached successfully the school! We are very proud of this achievement that involved dozen of local villagers. In fact when we were asked by them to provide the school with running water we made a deal. We would have found the money and they would have provided the workforce. More than 30 people were involved.We think that this is the best way to kick start a spirit of initiative and independence among the villagers who are now more confident about their working skills and are more involved and responsible towards “their” school!

Excavation of the water tank

Eng Gholam Hussein sits proudly by the school water fountain for the first tests. What seemed to be a dream has become reality


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